Friday, September 26, 2008

Google For Educators

Our good friends at Google have come up with some seriously useful education application tools in their ever-expanding collection of Google Apps. If you have a gmail account, you can access and/or download a variety of Education-oriented tools and applications for the low, low price of nada. For example, there is Picasa, a free software download that enables both teacher and students to find, edit and share pictures on PCs. It also offers the Web Albums feature, which enables you to easily upload photos from your computer to the web for sharing with others. Biology students can use Picasa and Picasa Web Albums to supplement their research and presentations, producing more professional and powerful term papers and lab reports.

iGoogle is a toolset that allows teachers and students to collect useful content from across the web and experience it all in one place. A teacher (or one of her more tech-savvy students) can design a specialised "gadget" in iGoogle as a class assignment, or for extra credit. These gadgets feature any number of customized items and place them on a page that's specific to all of the desired interests.

Google docs is a feature that allows shared file modification. Using Google docs, a teacher can share the editing of grant proposals with other grant writers, can grade students papers, and can provide editing and advice to student's written projects.

Any one, or all of these applications can be used to simplify your life, and expand your creativity as a teacher. And couldn't we all use some of that?

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