Additional features/services include:
- Grading Insights for Student Success. Campus Grade Book gives teachers secure Internet access to all grading tasks, and when published by the teacher, grades are immediately available to students, their guardians, counselors and school administrators.
- Individual Learning Plans
- Lesson Planning
- Mobile Device Support.
I am very excited about enhancing the lines of communication between the teacher (me), my students, and their parents. Not only can parents and students get immediate, timely, up-to-date access to vital student information, they can participate in an immediate dialogue with the teachers (myself included). We no longer need to wait for conferences, and I no longer need to send out "backpack" announcements. I especially like the concept of using the service to enhance curricular areas, like developing lesson plans, or integrating Individual Learning Plans. This information system can help parents to become an integral part of their childrens' ongoing educational process.
Additional information can be found at the Infinite Campus website, here:
Or, you can view a video prepared by Infinite campus:
The Campus Portal is free, and available to students and parents of the Independent School District of Boise. Use this link to view the portal:
This link provides additional information, as well as videos demonstrating features of the service, and a how-to video for accessing the Parent Portal:
The video below includes the review of a Kentucky school district's experience with Infinite Campus.